Technology has advanced incredibly in recent times. For those looking to relax and find their sense of calm, there are some great meditation apps available. However, if you head to your app store – whether the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store – you will have so many different options to choose from, and this can make it incredibly difficult to know where to begin. You may even feel overwhelmed by all of the downloads to choose from. With that in mind, we’ve decided to give you a helping hand by revealing more about some of the best meditation apps for 2002.

Best Meditation App For 2020

Best Meditation App For 2020

Muse – There really is only one place to begin when it comes to meditation apps, and this is with Muse. The Muse meditation app is designed to be used with the headband, providing you with ane extremely relaxing experience. You can also use the app so that you can evaluate your sessions. This gives you some really powerful insights. Plus, the headband will adapt based on your current state of mind. If you’re calm, then you will hear sounds of light rain, for instance. If your mind is chaotic, you may hear a storm that will then direct you into a place of calm.

Insight Timer – Another app that we think is a great choice for anyone who is interested in meditation is Insight Timer. This app has a lot of the most reputable mindfulness teachers on it, which says a lot itself. You then have to freedom to select the style of practice you would like. There is everything from stress reduction and loving-kindness to body scan to choose from. You can also select a time period too. If you’re not sure what you would like, you can set a timer and sit without guidance. It is all about adapting your session based on your wants, and with so many options available, there truly is something for everyone.

Headspace – Last but not least, we have Headspace. This is one of the most well-known meditation apps available at the moment. This app is filled to the brim with hundreds of meditations. You are also going to get to make the most of animations that are designed to enable you to understand meditation better. Other options include meditations for kids, SOS meditations for emergency situations, sleep sounds, and mini-meditations as well. There is something for everyone and all situations, so this app is really helpful!

So there you have it: some of the best meditation apps for 2002. If you are looking for ways to relax, which let’s face it – most of us need more than ever considering the trials and tribulations we have had so far this year – then these apps should do the trick. There is really something for everyone, and the advanced features that give us the ability to assess our meditation sessions are also highly beneficial. This can ensure that you are continually assessing your practice so that you can make the improvements that are required, ensuring more relaxation and wellness.