Few people would argue the importance of physical activity for kids. Not only does exercise help keep young ones in shape, but it also helps them develop muscle strength and coordination, improve their mood, and even do better in school. Still, while most parents want their children to stay active, not all of them know how much exercise is enough—or where to start when incorporating physical fitness into a child’s routine. These concerns are understandable—after all, it can be challenging to find time for exercise when you’re busy shuttling the kids around to soccer practice, dance class, and piano lessons. Here are some ways you can help your child get the exercise they need while still staying on schedule:

Morning Exercise for Kids

Exercise is good for your kids.

Exercise can help kids grow up to be healthy, strong, and energetic people. If your child is getting enough exercise at school or other activities, they might be interested in, that’s great. But you can still encourage them to do more physical activity outside of class—especially if they really enjoy it!

Exercise is good for helping children control their emotions and behavior. When children play sports or go outside to run around with friends, they learn how to use their bodies in new ways and interact with others in positive ways (like sharing equipment). As a result of these experiences, kids may become more self-confident by learning how their bodies work together with others’ bodies during an activity like soccer practice or a hiking trip through the woods; some studies even show that regular exercise can help kids handle stressful situations better later on down the road!

How Much Exercise Does Your Child Need?

You should aim to get your kids moving as much as possible, but you don’t have to be a gym rat or marathoner. Just move!

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children ages 5 to 17 should get 60 minutes of physical activity a day. That’s about 7 hours and 20 minutes per week if you’re doing the math. Don’t worry—even small actions count toward this total: riding a bike, jumping in leaves (if it actually falls or winter), chasing after dogs on walks…anything that gets your heart pumping counts! And remember: no matter how busy you are, you can always find time for exercise with your kids.

Encourage Kids to Get Up and Move at Least Three Times A Day

Encourage Kids to Get Up and Move at Least Three Times A Day

Research shows that kids need to move around more. The more they move, the better they feel, and the more likely they’ll grow into adults who are comfortable with the movement. But if you’re like most parents, keeping your kids active can be challenging—especially if you want them to exercise before or after school hours or on weekends when many other activities compete for their attention. Here are some tips for helping your children make exercise a part of their daily routine:

  • Make physical activity fun by doing it together—and don’t just focus on getting them moving; include rest periods where everyone can catch their breath (in between jumping jacks).
  • Praise your child’s efforts at every step along the way (and remember: even small victories count!). This will help build confidence in their abilities while reinforcing positive feelings about exercising regularly.
  • Be sure to encourage active playtime and give plenty of opportunities for restful play (such as reading quietly with mommy or daddy). After all, we need our bodies just as much as we need our minds!

Add Variety to Your Kid’s Routine

Adding variety to your kid’s routine is a great way to keep them interested. Kids need to be active every day, but if they’re doing the same old activities, you might find that your child has lost interest in exercising.

Here are some examples of different types of exercises:

  • Swimming pool
  • Gym (or playground)
  • Sports club/team (e.g., football, basketball)
  • Play with Playsets

Cool-Down Exercises

Cool-down exercises are critical to a good workout, and they help your body return to its resting state by bringing down your heart rate and blood pressure and reducing muscle soreness. Cool-down exercises also prevent injury, cramping, dizziness, and more.

To do a proper cool-down stretch:

  • Slowly lower the intensity of your activity until you can barely continue it without feeling like you might pass out or collapse from exhaustion.
  • Do this for 20 seconds or so (or however long it is comfortable). Then take a rest with no physical exertion for another minute or two before getting up again if necessary.

Do the Exercise Alongside Your Child

The physical activity you do together with your child will help her love it as she grows. She’ll also benefit from your example of being active and fit, which can help her stay in shape as an adult.

Our bodies become less flexible as we age. The best way to keep your muscles limber is through regular exercise. By doing exercises that strengthen the muscles while they’re young (and they’re still flexible), kids will be able to feel comfortable moving their bodies throughout their lives. If a child doesn’t develop this habit early on, it can be difficult for them later in life because their joints have stiffened up over time, and it becomes more challenging for them to move around with ease or flexibility as older adults do today.

To stay healthy and fit, kids must exercise.

It’s a fact that every parent knows well. But with busy schedules and extracurricular commitments, it can be hard to find time for your kids to get the exercise they need.

Whatever your situation may be, there are so many options available for getting active with your children—you just have to know where to look!

Parenting is one of the best ways to encourage their kids’ physical activity. For example: if they are playing outside on the playground or running around at home after school; if they’re playing basketball on Saturday mornings with friends; if they’re playing tag at recess during lunchtime and/or gym class during school hours…whatever it is!

It’s essential, though, not only because it gives us some quality bonding time together but also because this helps build self-confidence for both parties involved (including ourselves). When we see our child accomplish something difficult through hard work, we feel good about ourselves too because we helped them achieve these goals successfully together as a team.”


We hope we’ve shown you how easy it can be to get your kids up and moving in the morning. It’s not just about making them eat breakfast on time or getting ready for school—it’s about making sure they have healthy habits that will last into adulthood. We know this article can help make morning exercise a breeze for your family, so go out there and try!