On social media, how to look younger

Of all the mistakes you can make on social media, one of the most serious is making yourself look older than you are. Looking younger instantly boosts your presence—and that’s why we’re here to help.

You don’t have to look old

You don’t have to look old

Get a new haircut

Having a bad haircut is one of the fastest ways to make yourself look older. A good haircut will accentuate your natural features, whether you have a round face or an oval shape, curly hair or straight locks, or any other attributes.

You must get a proper trim regularly (at least once every six weeks) to keep your hair healthy and looking great.

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Get a new haircut

Get a new haircut

Fill in your eyebrows.

One of the key ways to make yourself look younger is filling in your eyebrows. Fill in the gaps between your natural brows with a pencil that matches your hair color and angle it at an angle that looks just like a natural eyebrow. If you don’t have any gaps, try using a lighter shade of pencil on top to fill them in, or experiment with different shades of eyebrow color until you find one that complements your face shape.

To properly apply pencils, it’s important not to draw one long line from corner to corner of your eye but instead does short strokes back and forth across each other, so they meet at the end (or almost meet). By doing this, you will create a much more natural look than if you just filled them in with one long stroke.

When it comes time to get rid of this newfound business (because we all know what happens when we get older), simply take off whatever excess product was left behind after applying – there shouldn’t be much! If necessary, use an oil-based makeup remover or baby oil on cotton swabs before wiping away any lingering makeup residue left behind after washing away cleanser/moisturizer, etc., so as not to irritate skin while washing off; eye cream, etc.

What You Can Do to Look Younger on Social Media

What You Can Do to Look Younger on Social Media

Smile like you mean it

On social media, smiling is one of the best ways to appear younger. Smiling makes you appear friendlier, calmer, and more approachable. It also helps you feel happier, so when others see your smiling face, they will associate those positive feelings with you.

Smiling can help boost your personal brand in several ways:

  • Customers are more likely to buy from someone who smiles at them or appears happy in their photos than those who don’t smile or appear unfriendly.
  • When people see someone smiling in a photo or video clip, they feel good about themselves because they associate that emotion with being around that person (even if it’s only for a moment). This means people are more likely to want to be around others when they’re happy!
  • Customers trust companies more when they’re smiling because it shows there aren’t any hidden motives behind what’s being said or done by those working there—they’re open about their intentions which makes us feel safe buying from them too!

Use concealer and a little foundation

Now, let’s talk concealer and foundation. You’ll want to use a concealer that is lighter than your skin tone, and this will help the foundation look more natural and blend with your actual skin. For example, if you have fair skin, try using a yellow-toned concealer that’s one shade lighter than your skin tone.

If you have darker complexions, however, look for a peach or pink-toned corrector, which will cover up redness in the under-eye area while still allowing some of the original colors of your complexion through so that it doesn’t look too heavy on camera (or even worse—makeup caked on).

Try some bronzer for a glowing complexion.

Bronzer is an excellent method of making yourself appear younger on social media. Bronzer is a makeup product that comes in different shades. Some bronzers are very dark, and some are very light. You can use any type of bronzer to look younger, but if it doesn’t match your skin tone, people may think that you are wearing makeup or trying too hard. If a person looks in their 30s and has only applied a little bit of makeup, people will think they’re trying too hard when they see them with heavy eyeliner and lipstick.

If someone wants to be youthful without looking like they’re wearing too much makeup while using social media sites, they should try using bronzer on areas where there is naturally more color:

  • Cheeks
  • Nose bridge (just above nostrils)

Appear taller and leaner with good posture

If you keep your posture good, you will appear taller and leaner.

  • Stand up straight. Make sure your back is straight, and your shoulders are pulled back. This can help create a more extended neckline, making you look taller from the side and down your overall body shape.
  • Pull in your stomach. This will also help elongate your neckline, allowing for more of an hourglass silhouette than a boxy one that makes someone look shorter and broader than they actually are.
  • Look up slightly when taking photos or videos of yourself—this will help position the eyes at the same level as where most people would expect to see them on another person (the middle).

You don’t have to look old.

You may be worried that the trend of being youthful will take over, and you’ll be left behind. But remember, plenty of people don’t care about looking young as long as they feel confident in themselves, so if you want to age gracefully, that’s okay too.

It’s up to you how old you want to look! Look younger than your age if that makes sense for your particular situation; maybe this means having a more “mature” appearance on social media (i.e., wearing a blazer or turtleneck instead of jeans). Or perhaps it means looking older than your actual age—if someone looks at their friend’s photos from their high school reunion and sees them with gray hair, wrinkles around their eyes, and forehead lines from squinting in laughter all night at inappropriate jokes told by classmates’ kids… well… then yes: That person may have aged worse than most!




With these tips, you’ll be able to make yourself look younger on social media and maintain that appearance. There are many different ways to do this, but all that really matters is that you find the best method for yourself. If you want something more elaborate than just adjusting your photo’s brightness or contrast, then try using an app like Facetune. For a more natural look, use Photoshop to edit your pictures. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you feel confident when posting those new selfies!