Long, lustrous hair has long been a traditional symbol of beauty and good health. Yet the reality is that many people struggle with hair loss or thinning locks, which can affect self-esteem and even cause anxiety. There are many factors to consider regarding hair health, including genetics, climate, pollution levels in your area, and more. But diet is one important factor you can control! If you’re looking for a fuller mane or simply want to improve your overall health through what you eat (which also means having shinier skin and stronger nails), these plant-based foods are where it’s at:

Dry fruits for hair growth


Avocados are a powerful food. They are full of nutrients, but they also can help improve your overall health and appearance.

  • They’re a good source of protein, potassium, and healthy fats—all things that your hair needs to stay healthy and shiny.
  • Avocados contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are suitable for your hair. In fact, studies show that regular consumption of omega 3 fatty acids can reduce dryness in both men and women with naturally curly hair.
  • They’re also high in vitamin C, which helps keep skin healthy and prevents hair loss by stimulating blood flow in the scalp (which promotes growth).

Avocado For Hair Growth


Nuts are a great source of protein and healthy fats that your body needs to build muscle. They’re rich in zinc, which promotes hair growth and prevents it from breaking off. Nuts also contain vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps prevent hair loss. The vitamins B6 and magnesium found in nuts are also crucial for growing and retaining new hairs.

Nuts For Hair Growth

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. They’re also a good source of vitamin B6, which helps balance hormone levels and support your nervous system; plus, they’re rich in vitamins A (which promotes healthy skin) and B1 (a nutrient that helps with hair growth).

All that being said, if you want even more nutrients for your hair—and for your entire body—consider sweet potatoes as part of a plant-based diet. But don’t go too crazy: A serving size is one medium cooked potato or half cup mashed sweet potato.

Sweet potato for Hair Growth


Kale is a rich source of iron, which is essential for healthy hair growth. In addition to being a good source of iron, kale also contains vitamin A, and C. In order to produce collagen, vitamin C is required; this protein helps keep our skin smooth and soft. If you don’t get enough vitamin C, your skin may crack easily. Vitamin A also plays an essential role in healthy hair growth as it’s needed to produce sebum (oil).

Kale For Hair Growth


Lentils are rich in protein and fiber, making them a great addition to any diet. They will help your hair grow longer and contain zinc, essential for healthy hair growth.

Lentils are also a few foods containing biotin (others include eggs and almonds), a vitamin that helps strengthen the hair shaft. They’re also rich in iron, another nutrient that plays an essential role in healthy hair growth.

Lentils for Hair Growth


Seeds are a great source of protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids. They’re also rich in zinc, a necessary mineral for healthy hair growth.

In addition to chickpeas and lentils (which contain vitamins B6 and B12), legumes also support hair and scalp health.

Seeds for Hair Growth


Spinach is an excellent source of iron, which helps your body produce more red blood cells. Your blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout your body, including to your hair follicles. Iron deficiency can cause hair loss, but eating spinach can help prevent this from happening.

Spinach is also a great source of vitamin A, essential for good scalp health and hair growth. Vitamin A keeps pores clean, so they can absorb nutrients from the air and be important in cell multiplication (which increases when you’re growing new strands).

Spinach for Hair Growth


Cucumbers contain silica, a mineral that enhances hair growth. Vitamin C and B vitamins are also common in them, and vitamin C helps your body produce collagen, which is important for a healthy scalp and hair follicles..

  • Tip: If you’re looking to make cucumber juice at home, consider adding some mint or lemon juice to add extra flavor!


Pumpkins are rich in vitamin A, essential for healthy hair growth. Vitamin A also helps to repair damaged skin and promote new cell growth. It’s important to note that you should eat pumpkin with your skin on (not cooked) because cooking breaks down its nutrients. You can eat pumpkins raw or cook them into a soup or stew. To get the most benefit from pumpkins, it’s best to consume them and other foods high in vitamin C or iron.

Pumpkin for Hair Growth

Acai berries

Acai berries are a superfood that can benefit your health and hair. Although they’re often used in smoothies and juices, acai berries are also delicious when eaten on their own. Acai berries contain iron, calcium, vitamin E, and antioxidants, suitable for your skin and hair.

Acai berries have long been touted as a “miracle” food because they contain high levels of anthocyanins (a type of antioxidant) that help fight free radicals that cause damage to cells. They’re also packed with vitamin C—an essential nutrient for healthy hair growth!

Acai berries for Hair Growth


Berries are rich in antioxidants, which help to prevent hair loss and premature graying. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), berries can help you get more nutrients from your food by helping your body absorb them more easily. These antioxidants may also help decrease inflammation in your skin, which could be one reason why berries have been shown to improve the health of your hairline.

Berries for hair growth

Dry fruits (raisins, dates, figs)

  • Dry fruits are a good source of iron, zinc, and vitamin C. They can help reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body that causes hair loss.
  • Ripe figs are also a good source of potassium, which helps prevent hair loss by strengthening the follicles to make them more elastic.
  • Soak dry fruits in water overnight for about 8 hours, then eat it daily before going to bed as this will help improve your hair growth naturally within 2 months.

Dry fruits for hair growth

If you want long hair, eat these foods!

If you want to increase your hair growth, try eating more of these foods:

  • Eggs – The protein in eggs is great for healthy hair. If you’re looking for a quick and easy meal, just scramble up some eggs!
  • Chia seeds – Chia seeds are full of omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep your scalp healthy and hydrated. They can be added to meals or used as a topping on cereal, yogurt, or even smoothies!
  • Spinach – Spinach contains lutein, which helps produce melanin (a pigment that gives color to our skin). This results in less greying when we age which means more vibrant colored hair overall!


If you want to improve your hair growth, make sure you eat a well-balanced diet filled with lots of fruits and vegetables. You don’t have to eat the same foods repeatedly, though – variety is the spice of life! Make sure to try some new recipes with these ingredients as well!