Hair grows at different rates and lengths depending on age, genetics, health, and other factors. Genes cannot be changed, but you can take steps to keep your hair healthy. We’ve put together this guide on how long hair grows in a month, how long hair grows in a year, and more. We’ll also share some tips for getting strong, healthy locks that can grow as quickly as possible.

The average length of hair that grows in a day

The Hair Growth Process

It’s important to understand that hair grows in a cycle, and each strand goes through three phases. The first is called anagen (growth phase), which lasts for about two to six years. Then your hair enters the catagen (transition phase) for about one week before entering into telogen (resting phase). You then shed those hairs, and they’re replaced by new ones that begin growing in the follicle.

Your natural growth rate can be anywhere from 1/2 inch per month to 2 inches per month, depending on genetics and overall health.

The Hair Growth Process

Average length of hair that grows in a day

The average length of hair that grows in a day is between 5 and 7 inches.
This data comes from a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and published in Nature in 2004.
Over one year, the researchers looked at more than 6,500 hairs on 12 healthy men and women (ages 18 to 45). They found that each strand grew 0.16 inches per day—or six inches per year! The reason these numbers are more significant than you may have thought is that they include both new growth and regrowth, so they’re not just about how long it takes for your hair to get longer but also how long it takes for your existing strands to fill back up again after being cut off or dyed/permed/etcetera.

Average length of hair that grows in a month

Hair grows at a rate of 1 to 2 inches per month, which can be affected by the season, age, and even location. The summer months tend to have longer days than winter, resulting in faster-growing hair.

The older you are, the slower your hair will grow. Younger people produce new cells more quickly than older people, which explains why teenagers often need a haircut every few weeks while their parents might only need one trim every few months.

Male pattern baldness is another thing that causes men’s hair to grow more slowly than women’s because it is caused by testosterone levels dropping over time due to aging or other factors such as stress or illness.

Average length of hair-growth in a year

Hair grows at about 6 inches per year, but this is greatly affected by several factors. For example, hair growth rates are generally faster during summer than winter, valid for children who grow more quickly than adults. Hair also tends to grow slower when you’re sick or injured or experiencing a period of stress.

Getting the most accurate picture of your hair’s average growth rate will require some research and record-keeping—something anyone can do with an old calendar and an eye pencil! Just mark down the date each month when you notice new growth has started to appear, then count how many months pass before it gets back to where it was before that point in time (and repeat). Once all your data is gathered, divide the total length into twelve annual sections, and voila! You have your answer: how long does hair grow in one year!

Hair Growth Products

There are many hair growth products available, including serums, oils, sprays, masks, and powders. Hair growth gels and devices can also help speed up growing your hair back.

But do these products actually work? What are some of the most popular treatments out there?

  • Hair Growth Lasers: These lasers target the pigments in each follicle’s bulb to stimulate cell division and increase blood flow to your scalp and oxygenation of hair follicles. The results may vary based on your individual needs, but doctors at NY Skin Care Center in NYC can help with any type of hair loss situation, whether it be genetic or the result of medical treatment after a cancer diagnosis.
  • Hair Growth Caps: These caps fit tightly over your head while you sleep, helping prevent excess shedding while also increasing blood flow which encourages new follicle growth during sleep cycles when cell regeneration is at its highest point (the body produces more cells every day than it needs, so some go unused). 
  • In contrast to laser treatments, hair growth caps are not expensive since they don’t require costly equipment since the cap is made of fabric-covered plastic. Cap styles, sizes, shapes, genders, etcetera all come pre-cut into different sizes as part of our own brand name, “Beauty & Wellness Naturals Co.”!

Last Thoughts On How Long Hair Grows

Now that you know how long hair grows, it’s time to take care of your locks.

Here are some tips for keeping your hair healthy and growing at its best:

  • Eat a healthy diet. To maintain a healthy body and hair, you need to eat a balanced diet.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking can damage the follicles responsible for producing new hairs and cause them to weaken or fall out more quickly. It also increases the risk of developing scalp infections like dandruff and psoriasis, which will make it hard for your hair to grow as fast as it should be able to grow (if at all).
  • Don’t use chemical products often on processed hair – if at all! Chemicals in these products leach out vital nutrients from each hair strand, reducing the likelihood they will overgrow. Over time, due to previous exposure to these products or previous treatments like dyeing, which often requires more than one application per session (especially when using permanent dye), they become brittle and less likely to overgrow.). This means they’ll become brittle over time until they finally snap off entirely because they’re no longer getting enough moisture through topically applied conditioners (which actually work better than those found inside these bottles).

Keep your hair healthy, and it will grow in no time.

  • Don’t wash your hair every day. Washing it every day can dry out your hair and make it brittle, which will cause it to break off more easily.
  • Don’t use heat on your hair (blow drying, curling irons). Heat damages the cuticle of the hair shaft and causes split ends.
  • Don’t use harsh shampoos or conditioners that contain sulfates or sodium chloride (salt). These can damage your scalp and cause dandruff and dry out your locks over time.
  • Don’t use too many products in your hair either—use a gentle shampoo/conditioner combo that isn’t too greasy or too dry yet still cleanses effectively enough to keep oil production under control while moisturizing strands so they look shiny instead of dull or damaged from being stripped bare by chemical treatments like perms or relaxers.
  • Ensure not to neglect using products made specifically for curly/wavy/frizzy types because these tend to have different needs than straight ones do when it comes down to keeping frizziness at bay without weighing down curls with heavy oils; that flatten them out instead of enhancing their natural beauty!


We hope we’ve turned you into a hair-growth expert! Feel free to leave any further questions or suggestions in the comments section below.