Beverages Blog Thu, 27 Jun 2024 17:14:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Wine vs Beer: Which Is Healthier? Thu, 27 Jun 2024 17:03:09 +0000 In a study done with middle-aged and older men and women, scientists found that those who drank moderately tended to outlive those who didn’t. That’s great news for those of us who like to tilt back a few every now and then.

However, you may be wondering which is more healthy to drink—wine or beer? Although there are plenty of scientific studies on the topic, many enthusiasts will disagree on the matter.  In this article, we are going to explore wine vs beer. Read on to find out more!

Wine vs Beer Health Benefits

Let’s take a look at some of the health benefits of drinking wine vs beer. Each one has its own list of notable health benefits.

A glass of wine, in all of its glory, contains 187 mg of potassium and a significant amount of fiber. It also contains resveratrol, which is a substance found in red wine that has shown to dull the effects of aging.

Another substance found in wine is flavonoids. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidant agents that help to regulate cell activity in the body and fight off free radicals. Basically, they help protect your body against toxins and stressors in your body.

Beer also comes with some pretty amazing health benefits. According to Germany’s Commission E, which is pretty much like the United States FDA, beer can help treat restlessness, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. Beer also contains more nutritional value than wine, with higher amounts of protein, fiber, folate, B vitamins, and niacin.

Studies have also shown that mice who ingested hops had lower numbers of obesity. And to top that all off, a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that hoppier beer improves bone mineral density.

Wine vs Beer Negative Health Effects

Both beer and wine contain alcohol, which if drank in excess can cause hangovers, dependency, and long-term liver damage. Beer is usually higher in calories and has more carbs than wine. This can often lead to unwanted weight gain.

Wine on the other hand is acidic and can demineralize your teeth’ enamel over time. A study has also shown that wine can raise triglyceride levels in the body. This can be associated with certain health problems like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and kidney disease.

Wine vs Beer Alcohol Content

Because alcohol content varies greatly depending on what type of beer or wine you drink, pointing out which has more isn’t always a simple matter. For example, a super lite beer may contain 3% ABV, while a high-octane beer can have 13% ABV. On the other hand, a light wine like Moscato d’Asti may have 5% ABV, and a port up to 20% ABV.

Typically, a 12 oz beer at 5% ABV is equivalent to a 5oz glass of wine from a bottle of wine with 12% ABV. So that means that one bottle of wine at 12% ABV holds about 5 cans of 12oz beers at 5% ABV.

Wine vs Beer

Determining which is healthier for you—wine vs beer—may depend on what your health goals are. Want stronger bones? Then it seems you should drink more beer!  Would you like to slow down aging effects and fight free radicals in the body? Then wine just may be the ticket. Looking for some discounted prices on wine? Check out our Splash Wines coupon.
